Sunday 14 March 2010

Thaksin ... a true Thai or not?

Thaksin Shinawatra... it is amazing this man is free to fly around the world and yet any other convicted felon would be apprehended and returned to face justice. He travels on a Cambodian passport, has access to a Nicaraguan passport, is residing in the UAE. This man changes countries and passports like he changes his underwear. the question is what country and what citizen will he be next week? Maybe Laos.... does he really love Thailand?

The Bangkok Post which is believed by most foreigners and some Thai to be somewhat biased in its reporting of any event related to Thaksin said in an editorial that Thaksin had been expelled from the UAE but their is no official corroboration of that story and he has conveniently left the UAE for Europe. If Thaksin and his family really were supportive of the UDD movement then Thaksin would come back to Thailand and either clear his name or do his time and his family would not have fled the country the moment that there seemed there might be trouble and when the UDD and their supporters really need their support physically and morally and not just monetarily.

Good things under the Democrats are happening and the country is seeing economic improvement, lowering of the unemployed, confidence by foreign investors and confidence by foreign governments and tourists as a country struggling to improve its image and economy and winning the small battles. If the UDD and Thaksin really cared for Thai and Thailand they would lend a hand and pull with the government and business instead of trying to push their agenda of destabilisation and petty dividing politics......

Writer:  Kahlil

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